How to Fix Video page indexing

How to Fix Video page indexing

How to fix Video page indexing issues on google search console yeah that’s the question that grabs the most webmaster’s attention these days people are getting weird emails from google search console to fix the videos on their websites or you can now have A check under video pages section that is located under index…

AdSense shopping links

AdSense shopping links

AdSense shopping links are here with a surprise entry just after Adsense Multiplex Ads we saw a few days ago by google Adsense this time Google targets The content of articles & gets matched words to put a link or AD Tag on that specific phrase or word for eligible pages yes keep in mind…

Get Back Youtube Dislikes

Get Back Youtube Dislikes

Get Back Youtube Dislikes with a simple chrome extension that is now working for both mobile and desktop devices As you noticed Youtube Recently update its Algorithm and content policy & You won’t see Dislike counts or numbers as a viewer But if you are a creator of that specific video then dislike count is…