Cloudflare Best Settings WordPress in 2023

Cloudflare Best Settings WordPress in 2023

Cloudflare Best Settings WordPress in 2023 Gonna change your website speed and security with a touch of CDN which is almost free in terms of speed and reliability A good CDN can deliver your website content really fast & also optimize your connections to servers and users more securely with their firewall and SSL Certificates we gonna share how you can easily optimize your websites while staying at Cloudflare free plan with their latest & core web vital optimized version of Cloudflare in 2023.

Setting up Cloudflare in WordPress

Many web hosts like siteground and a2 host support click Cloudflare setup at their Cpanel or setup screen but if your website host doesn’t support Auto setup for Cloudflare CDN then simply Go for manual setup to do that you need to visit the Cloudflare website and click on the ‘Sign Up button

  • On the next page, you need to enter your email address and password to create a Cloudflare account. enter the information required, and then click on the ‘Create Account button

On the next screen, you’ll be asked to choose the type of Cloudflare plan you want For this tutorial, we’ll choose the standard Cloudflare plan. Then, click Get Started

  • you can choose a free or paid plan We will use a free plan for this guide Chose free plan & then click Continue
Cloudflare Free plan setup
  • Now you need to add your website URL, ADD URL of your website and click add site button
  • After that, Cloudflare will show you a list of all DNS records their systems found
  • The DNS records you want to be passed through Cloudflare will have an orange cloud icon. The DNS records that will bypass Cloudflare will have a gray cloud icon You need to review the list to make sure that your primary domain is active on Cloudflare with an orange cloud icon
Cloudflare DNS settings
  • On the next setup, Cloudflare will ask you to update your nameservers. You will be asked to change your name servers and point them to Cloudflare nameservers

Changing nameservers in Cloudflare

Changing nameservers can take some time to propagate all over the internet. During this time, your website may become inaccessible it is normal Note This setup is a must to optimize your website otherwise you won’t be able to get Cloudflare optimizations you can change the name servers of your websites from the domain registrar where you purchase the domain like Godaddy or name cheap But if you got a free domain with your hosting plan then you can do this from your hosting account

Note: you can now also purchase a domain from Cloudflare So this will auto setup and point your domain to Cloudflare name servers effortlessly

Once activated, you will see the success message on your Cloudflare dashboard You can now customize your Cloudflare settings from this dashboard. We will show you the most critical settings next-

Configuring Cloudflare Settings for WordPress

  • After activation of Cloudflare on your website now is time to optimize your website on Cloudflare
  • Click on speed > Optimizations Then scroll down to Auto Minify Turn all three options on like in the picture shown below – JavaScript CSS HTML –
Cloudflare Autominify Settings
  • Scroll down and turn on Brotli & Early Hints (beta) If you can’t see the early hints option then Click here to see how can set up early hints on Cloudflare for free.
Cloudflare Brotli and early hints settings

That’s it for the speed tab you can also turn on Rocket loader which will improve the paint for any javascript on your website but check out if it’s not getting conflicted with any other plugin –

Cloudflare Caching Settings

  • Now head over to Cloudflare Cache settings by clicking at caching>Configuration scroll down to Caching Level and select Standard Then scroll down Browser Cache TTL and select 1 year
Cloudflare cache settings 2023
  • Now scroll down you will see the Crawler Hints tab turn this thing on and you can also check here how to turn on and use Crawler Hints click here for more Info. After that, you should see Always Onlineâ„¢ turn this on A great Cloudflare option that can always enable your website for visitors if there is a problem in your origin servers –
Cloudflare always online settings

Cloudflare page rules for WordPress websites

Cloudflare page rules are a must-have and an important part of Cloudflare integration in the free plan of Cloudflare you should have up to 3-page rules we will set up the best page rules for optimizing WordPress settings for shared and dedicated hosting –

Exclude WordPress Dashboard from Cloudflare and Enable High Security in page rules

Page URL:*
Settings: Security Level – High
Cache Level – Bypass
Disable Performance
Disable Apps

Click ‘Save and Deploy

Cloudflare best page rules for WordPress dashboard

Cloudflare page rules for Main website URL

Now create Another page rule for your website while using the main URL of your website like below and configure the options shown below. replace with your Site Url

Cloudflare Page Rules for main website URL

How to enable free Cloudflare SSL

you can get a free SSL with Cloudflare for using HTTPS at your website for more secure connections to the server to do that head over to SSL/TLS And select Full to make sure you have SSL enabled on your server or you also use the flexible option there but if you choose flexible or another SSL then make sure to change that option in your page rules the get optimized results – scroll down & turn on SSL/TLS Recommender Also –

Best Cloudflare SSL settings with WordPress in 2023

best Cloudflare settings Video

Cloudflare optimization video guide
  • Now Click on Edge Certificates scroll down And Enable Always Use HTTPS
  • scroll down to Minimum TLS Version And use TLS 1.2
  • Enable Opportunistic Encryption
  • TLS 1.3 Enable
  • Automatic HTTPS Rewrites Enable & leave everything as IT Is
  • Click Origin Server & turn on Authenticated Origin Pulls

Cloudflare’s best firewall settings

Cloudflare firewall is a great way to stop attacks and bot fights for your domain you can configure a firewall with the following optimized settings to get better secure results for your website head over to Firewall>settings in the Security Level select Low or medium according to your page rules scroll down to Challenge Passage and select 1 week from there more scroll down to Browser Integrity Check and enable that option that’s it for Cloudflare firewall settings for WordPress –

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