How to get a Free A+ SSL with Cloudflare

How to get a Free A+ SSL with Cloudflare SSL

How to get Free A+ SSL – A+ rating with Cloudflare SSL asked question these days security matters and everyone is using HTTPS And SSL for their websites but do you know this SSL have ratings and levels that will impact website worth or capability to ensure the best security features chrome and google now force users to surf only websites that have a valid SSL certificate otherwise the red warning should be shown to your website visitor that is trying to surf your website with over HTTP so for that most of us using Cloudflare free SSL that’s cool but whenever you check SSL test it will give you B Grade SSL as A result of bad impact of course so to fix that we created this amazing & simple SSL Guide where you will learn how to get free A+ Rating With Cloudflare SSL WIten Few Simple Clicks – let’s Get Things Done we also include A Video Guide For SSL in this Post hope you will like that also make sure you follow All the given steps.

How to get a Free A+ SSL with Cloudflare SSL

  • first GO to This Website And Check the current SSL Rating or Status for your website
  • Now if you got ratings below A+ like B or something Else then get started
  • Log in to the Cloud flare dashboard, click the “SSL/TLS” option, and the “Edge Certificates” tab
  • Activate HTTP Strict Transport Security
  • In the “HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS)” section, click the “Enable HSTS” button. Read the information displayed and confirm that you understand it at the bottom of the pop-up window. Click the “Next” button and then select “Enable HSTS” and set the “Max-Age Header” to 6 months other options aren’t needed to be changed, so click the “Save” button –
    • how to Activate HTTP Strict Transport Security
    • In the “Minimum TLS Version” section, select “TLS 1.2
    • Enable the Latest TLS Version OPtion for better security

Now Test Your Website Here After Applying These Settings Hopefully you will get A+ Rating On Cloudflare SSL

ssl test online

Cloudflare SSL Setup Video

how to get free Cloudflare a+ SSL

If you wonder about how to get the best Cloudflare settings for your WordPress blog then check here

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